
Thursday, November 19, 2020

My tessellation

 This my tessellation that I made with Tessellation Creator its made out of hexagon's it has ten hexagon's.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Interesting facts

My independent inquiry

 Ecthyma was discovered in 1897. The person who first discovered it was Dr.lewellys.Ecthyma hasen’t killed anyone yet.  Ecthyma can make you very sick.Streptococcus bacteria has ecthyma in it. It is in New Zealand and Australia.

This is ethyma

Ecthyma can die by soacking or using wet compresses

Ecthyma can make you sick 

Ecthyma is hurmful to humans and animals

Ecthyma is more harmful then black mold

Ecthyma is in streptococcus bacteria

Ecthyma is bacteria

Ecthyma is treated by bacterial soap 

Ecthyma is cused by skin infection

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

My Turtle

This is my art turtle I made him using the poly line on my drive I did the shells with a background i found. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My poem

 A small tiny man 

Fiery hands 

magma eyes

Small voice 

black hoodie 

small quick 

smooth ninja 

burning hot pizza

fire balls 

boom end 

How to make cheese.

 How to Make Cheese

Ingredients you need 




White vinegar


Big pot




First pour the milk into the pot 

Then turn the temperature to 90 dirges

Then wait for about 1 to 5 minutes

Then put cream in the pot with some milk

Then put some cheese curds with waves

Then put white vinegar in the pot 

Next you can watch the vinegar separates the cheese curds 

After leaving it overnight you will have cheese. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Can you guess my animal

 1.It lives in a farm and mud 

2.It is pink

3.It has a curly tail

4.It goes oink oink

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Bacteria hero

                                The bacteria hero.

On a dark and stormy, gloomy night Mister Streptococcus was doing an experiment. He was making a virus called Covid 19...A few years later Covid 19 had killed millions of people and there were levels. It started at level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4. Then it went down to level 2 and a few months later it went down to level 1. Then it went down for a long time. Then it went to level 2 and then yoghurt came in. You see Yoghurt has good bacteria in it and he came in to save the day. He said “I smell trouble!” Yoghurt and Covid 19 argued and Mister Streptococcus realized the trouble that he caused. He quickly created a serum that could destroy covid 19. He threw it but it missed and it hit Yogurt. Then Covid 19 got really mad and he started to chase Mister Streptococcus. He started to get out of breath but then Yogurt got up and he saw the virus spray. It can get rid of any virus he grabbed it he ran at Covid 19. He sprayed Covid 19 and screamed “NO!” And that's how covid 19 was defeated. The people who were sick asked Yogurt to ask Mister Streptococcus to make a cure for all the sick people. They said yes and we'll all be getting cured. All of the non sick people were partying with Yoghurt.

The end by Malachi C.   

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My pastel art

This is a picture of my dog I used pastel and then I used black paint and then let it dry and then use either cotton buds or tooth pick. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

How to grow bacteria.

Growing Bacteria

What you need:

Petri dish 

Agar jelly 

Cotton bud 

Dirty surface



first you need to make the agar jelly

Then you pour it into the petri dish

After that you need to put the petri dish in the fridge to set 

 Next you wipe your cotton bud on a dirty surface

Then you wipe it on the agar in the petri dish 

Finally seal the petri dish with tape and wait for your bacteria to grow

My bacteria diddent do much. My agar melted and I did clean and unwashed hands. Pixies did good; she did her drink bottle which did a lot and it got a lot of colors. It's got green yellow grey. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

My ice cream.


This is my strawberry ice cream i made it using pixel art 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to make fake snot

Have you ever wanted to make fake snot well now you can read below 
Hot water 
Green food coloring 
Spoons 2
2 bowls
Glucose syrup
First put ½ cup of hot water into a bowl.
Then put 2 spoons of gelatin into the hot water and food coloring .
Next you need to give it a quick stir.
Leave it for 1 to 3 minutes . 
Then you add glucose syrup and then you mix them together and leave it for another 1 to 3 minutes.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Walking My dog In Lock down

When I was younger… in lockdown because of covid 19. I was 8 years old when it started. I went for walks with my dog and I had long walks by myself. I scootered too the diary and landed a front flip and had a massive water fight with a very small water gun/water pistol.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020